Friday, October 14, 2011


Library Hours

I arrive at the library daily because I am homeless and wake early to leave an area so I
do not bother people. I figure the public library is a safe, legal and constructive place to be.

I was told by some sheriffs today to leave at about 5:00am. I do not sleep at the library
and was not asked if I do, nor was I accused of it.

I would like to know, since there are no signs concerning loitering or trespassing, only operation hours, what is the legal and acceptable time frame for waiting for the library to open.
Oct 11 (3 days ago)
P.S. Since you have not answered my email yet, I will include this subsequent information. Today is the
second time I have been addressed by a sheriff's deputy using profanity. I would think they would be
held to a more professional standard when dealing with the public in official capacity. If when you read
this email, you can supply me with a Sheriff's Department email address I would appreciate it.

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